March 8-9, 2024

Ibtikar Summit

A $5,000 2-day pitch competition at the University of Waterloo

Jazakumullahu Khairan for attending! Let us know how we did below.






Prize Pool

3 Problems
18 Teams
$5000 Prize Pool

View Our

Problem Statement Topics

Each topic is centred around an issue we face as Muslims.
Note: these are not the problem statements themselves.


How can Muslims better operate in our Canadian financial system?


How can we support Muslims with disability in their life and faith?

Mental Health

How can Muslims better overcome their mental health challenges?

Learn About

Our Purpose

Why are we holding this pitch competition?

Our purpose in serving God extends beyond our homes and mosques; it is a central aspect of our lives that should be reflected in our conduct, demonstrating excellence in our fields and beyond, both as individuals and as a community.

This innovation summit is designed to instill this central feature in the lives of young, intelligent, and promising students, enabling them to serve humanity and their communities with the skills that God has blessed them with. Unlocking these skills by connect students with Muslim professionals to harness their mentorship & guidance.

Our skills as an Ummah should not merely be a means to earn a salary but a means to advance our communities for the betterment of the world and for the pleasure of God.

Want to contribute?

We Need Your Help

Consider becoming a sponsor or donor to help make this idea into reality. Read more below.

I hear you, but hold up

What is a pitch competition?

...Or any other questions like this?

Just Want to Talk?

Contact Us

Read Our

Frequently Asked Questions

Did we miss a question you had? Let us know in our contact form so we can get back to you!

What is a pitch competition?

In the case of Ibtikar Summit, a pitch competition is an event where aspiring entrepreneurs are given challenging problem statements and are tasked with presenting their solutions to a panel of judges within a set amount of time, aiming to persuade them of the viability and potential success of their ventures. Participants have a brief window to make their case, through a presentation that highlights their solution, business model, market opportunity, competitive advantage, and financial projections. The judges, composed of industry experts and successful entrepreneurs, evaluate each pitch based on criteria such as innovation, scalability, team capability, and investment potential. Winners of pitch competitions will receive cash prizes to help launch or grow their idea. The Ibtikar Summit is valuable for networking, gaining feedback, and attracting investment.

Who is eligible?

All undergraduate and graduate Ontario university students.

Why is there no tech themed problem statement?

Technology serves as a means to address challenges. Your task involves devising solutions for issues our community encounters, utilizing any tools you deem appropriate. Whether you opt for a software-based solution or believe a non-technical approach is more suitable, the choice is yours!

Do I have to stay overnight?

Yes, we want to make sure everyone has a level playing field and takes advantage of the enthralling buzz of a hive of brilliant minds! There also won’t be much time for you to come up with your solution; it’s pedal to the metal!

Will there be food provided?

Yes, some meals and snacks (caffeine) will be provided - but there is also an excellent plaza right beside E7 (the building we will be in). Bring some lunch money. 😉

Are there accommodations for sisters?

Yes, appropriate accommodations will be provided to ensure sisters can compete comfortably, both throughout the day and overnight.

How do I apply?

To participate, click here to complete the application form. Only the team lead is required to submit the form, unless you're applying individually. Be sure to have the latest version of your resumes ready, along with a sharp mind!

Can I apply without a team?

Yes, individual applicants can apply and, if selected, will be paired with a team of other individual applicants or added to an existing team that is open to new members.

Is there an application or attendance fee?

No, the Ibitkar Summit is completely free of charge!

Can I bring my own idea?

At the Ibtikar Summit, participants will be assigned one of three problem statements and tasked with devising a solution within a set timeframe. For those interested in pitching their own startup ideas to potential investors, we hope to provide a platform for this in the future, God willing.

A Message

To Our Sponsors

We respect your time, so here are your options:

Event Sponsorship

  • You appear as sponsor of all of Ibtikar Summit

  • Anywhere you see our logo, you’ll see yours

  • Merch, Presentations, Social Media, Banners, etc.


Award Sponsorship

  • One of the top 3 awards will be named after you

  • Think: "1st place [Company Name] Award"

  • Depending on your contribution, we can arrange more; let's talk

1st: $3500
2nd: $1000
3rd: $500

Additional accommodations or modifications can always be made; we are partners after all.


No time draining forms. Text your name, business, and what sponsorship option you are interested in and any modifications, and we will get back to you ASAP.

A Message

To Our Donors

This is a grassroots initiative, so we need your help more than anything.

The Ibtikar Summit, with the will of God, will be a longstanding project with fruits extend far beyond an annual pitch competition. Overtime, this project aims to become a hub of innovation, funding, and collaboration year round for the sake of Allah.

This project is not only bigger than you or I, but it is bigger than itself.

Help us establish a vision where people from all backgrounds gather and work together united under a singular mission to please Allah.

A vision where students, entrepreneurs, and communities easily access the guidance, partnerships, funding, and solutions they need to flourish.

To donate, please follow the instructions in the form below.

View the full

Itinerary: Day 1

Prayer Break       Participants Only       Open to Public

4 PM
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
 E7 Event Space
Kick-Off and Meet & Greet
 E7 Event Space
Maghrib Prayer
 E7 4822
Mentor Panel
 E7 Event Space
Isha Prayer
 E7 4822
Team Huddle and Dinner
 E7 Event Space
Dragons' Den Pitch Practice
 E7 Event Space
Expert Q&A - Working period official starts
 E7 2454 & 2456, E5 2103
S: E7 2409, B: E7 1427

View the full

Itinerary: Day 2

Prayer Break       Participants Only       Open to Public

5 AM
6 AM
7 AM
8 AM
9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
 E7 4822
Fajr Prayer
 E7 4822
 E7 Event Space
Working period contd.
 S: E7 2409
B: E7 1427, E7 1437
Pitch Feedback - Working period contd.
 E7 Event Space
Expo Setup + Lunch
 E7 Event Space
Dhuhr Prayer
 E7 4822
Project Expo & Networking
 E7 Event Space
Asr Prayer
 E7 4822
Finalists Announced + Dinner
 E7 Event Space
Break + Judges Sequester
Maghrib Prayer
 E7 4822
Finalist Project Showcase
 E7 Event Space
Isha Prayer
 E7 4822
Closing Ceremony + Prizes
 E7 Event Space

Find whatever you need on the


Need to find something? Check the maps below for more information.

Note: If on mobile, please use landscape mode to view the full maps!

E7 1st Floor

E7 1327Brothers' LoungeE7 1427Brothers' Idea Clinic
E7 1331Brothers' LoungeE7 1437Brothers' Idea Clinic

E7 2nd Floor

E7 2454Q&A FeedbackE7 2334Refreshments / Table Tennis
E7 2456Q&A and FeedbackE7 2317Sisters' Lounge
E7 2409Sisters' Idea ClinicE7 2357Sisters' Lounge

E5 2nd Floor

E5 2103Q&A Feedback